breakfast Tag

  Green Monster Cheers to a healthy lifestyle! I love mint/pineapple combo in a smoothie. The hint of mint from my garden really makes it! This is the perfect post work out snack. Keeps me well fueled until lunch. blender 1/2 cup water1/2

Strawberry Muffin Have a muffin but make it healthy. This strawberry muffin is only 155 calories. Store-bought muffins are loaded with sugar and up to 700 calories per muffin! My strawberry muffins are delicious and will satisfy you until lunchtime. You

Blueberry Bread Coldest day of the year: 60F here in South Florida. No better way to celebrate than turning my oven on and baking a delicious, vegan, zesty blueberry bread. ¾ cup oatmilk ((or whatever milk you prefer))3 tablespoon lemon juice1 tablespoon

Waffle Stacks A Stack of Love. I grew up in Brussels and waffles are our peanut butter jelly sandwich. They bring me back to childhood and I wanted to create healthy yet crispy dark chocolate waffles for my daughters. waffle maker 2 cups